Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Season of Thankfulness 2013

      Do you ever remember seeing the red funnels at a children's museum where you drop in a coin at the top and it slowly goes around and around, and then picks up speed as it drops further down into the funnel until it is going very fast by the time it drops out of the bottom?
     That is how I am describing how fast out mission seems to be going as we have passed the 15 month mark. If these last few days of events are any indication of how fast it's going I know that Sherrie and I need to hold onto our hats as we complete the last 3 months.
     On Saturday one of the most wonderful highlights of our mission occurred. We were involved in escorting and the witnessing of eight Marshallese Branch members who attended the Sacramento Temple for the first time for their individual endowments. The word "Endowment" is a sacred terminology used in the LDS church when church members go to a temple to make covenants or promises with the Lord to live a righteous life while here upon this earth. These covenants or promises help us as members to focus on the Savior, understand His role in our Heavenly Father's plan, and to understand our commitment to follow Him. We believe these are the greatest blessings available to all of us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
     Six of these people were husband and wife and we watched as each couple was sealed to each other for all time and eternity. Then the children of two of the couples were brought in all dressed in white to be sealed to their parents. There is something special about little Marshallese children who normally are what I would say are "little hellions" at church, but now come into the sealing room looking like angels as they kneel around the alter with their weeping parents. For that matter we were all weeping. It was a wonderful experience that we will never forget.
     Earlier Saturday we also attended the funeral of a 91 year old man who had lived a wonderful life of love and service to his family, the church and to the Lord. His wife of 67 years, 7 children and spouses, 39 grandchildren, and at least 60 great-grand children were all in attendance. The entire center section of the church pews were filled by his family. What a tribute to such a wonderful man! We had been visiting weekly with he and his wonderful wife.
      This past week we were in attendance at what our mission calls "zone conferences". It is an event that lasts pretty much all day with about 100 missionaries in attendance each day. Elder Baxter, a General Authority of our church, was in attendance. He and his wife are British. He provided wonderful spiritual guidance and direction to the missionaries. At these zone conferences Sherrie and I also assist in inspecting the missionary cars that the young missionaries are assigned to drive. A unique experience. All were in pretty good shape.
       This Wednesday Sherrie and I go down to the home of our daughter Amy and her family who live in Walnut Creek CA, to be with them for Thanksgiving. Can't wait.
       Last but not least it looks like we are taking a round about way of coming home in February. The kids have given us an early 50th wedding anniversary gift and we will be going to Hawaii at the end of February 2014! We are excited! And hopefully by the time we start home the winter weather will have passed.

Got to go. Love ya,

Elder John

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 16, 2013  I am either a great procrastinator or time goes by way too fast.  I shall choose the second option!  This past Sunday we had our first adult baptism in the Marshallese Branch in many, many months!!  We have had two young elders assigned to our little branch and they are wonderful.  They are very diligent as well as very in tune with the spirit.  It is so amazing to see how the gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives.  This man, early 30's, has made many bad choices in his life and never had responded to the pleadings of his family who are strong members of the church.  I don't know what exactly brought about his change of heart, but I know his heart has been softened and he was ready to make a commitment.  His 13 year old daughter is in my teenage Sunday School class and she is so happy. The brother that we have been working with on his English conducted the baptism service for the first time.  We were so proud of him.  He is very shy so it took a lot of courage to get up and conduct the meeting.  He will make a great bishop some day, I'm sure.   Next Saturday there will be 7 members of our tiny branch of the church to go to the temple for the first time.  One of the couples has asked us to be there with them to kind of be their escort or guide as they go through the temple.  This is a couple who would not even speak to us a year ago and were not coming to church at all.  They had gotten their feelings hurt and did not want to participate in church.  They now have learned that powerful principle of forgiveness and are now active in the church.  What a joy!!  They have 2 daughters and their families who are setting a goal to all go to the temple next year.  Lives are changed by learning to forgive others. How I wish we could all be perfect sometimes but then of course we would not have opportunities to grow in humility and understanding.  John told you about our new convert friend, Naomi, in his last blog.  Naomi is still going strong and has been baptized and confirmed a member of the church.  She is an incredible cook and loves to have us over and cook for us.  It's kind of a "eat and ask" meal.  We "eat" and she "asks" lots of gospel questions which we are delighted to answer.  I hope we will always remain in contact  with her after we leave Sacramento.  We have a new assignment of about 61 names of less active members from the Sacramento 1st Ward who we have been asked to try to contact and invite to church.  So far are batting average is about zip for folks not at home.  We started a new marriage class last week and had a great turnout.  We had the second class last night and had 4 people there.  We were trying to figure out if it was our breath, our body odor, or our personalities that might have driven them away.  We're thinking positively though and thinking it may of just been "one of those nights."  We look forward to see what will happen next week.  A Marshallese sister has just been called as my "assistant" in Sunday school so we will team teach for a while so that she will be ready to take over in February.  It doesn't seem possible that we will only be here another 3 months!  We are having 4 sister missionaries over for supper next week and celebrating Thanksgiving with them early.  We are blessed!  Take care!!!