Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 7, 2012 Every 6 months we have a satellite broadcast from Salt Like City where the leaders of our church speak to us.  Two of our favorite times of the year!!  I love the hymn "Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice" because it makes me think of General Conference and hearing such incredible words of love and faith coming to us directly from our prophet and other leaders mouths.  What a blessing it is to be born in this time of advanced technology!  How exciting it was to learn that our young missionaries can now leave a year earlier on their missions if they so choose.  Our "Daily Dose" (English) classes are going well.  We had a sweet experience early this week that really boosted our morale.  We were teaching a group of 5 Marshallese and the topic was "Learning to Pray in English".  We were teaching them how to address Heavenly Father, express thanks, ask for additional blessings then close in the name of Jesus Christ.  We ask each person to think of one thing that they could express thanks for.  Everyone said the usual "family", "food", etc. but our lone man participant said, "I am thankful that you come and teach us better English."  We all had tears in our eyes and the Spirit was very strong.  Some days we go along and wonder if we are making a difference in anyone's lives and then Heavenly Father drops down some rays of sunshine such as that sweet experience and we feel blessed to be here.    We have also been praying to find one or two brethren within the Marshallese Branch who would be good leaders if they could develop stronger testimonies and build their commitment to the Lord.  We think we have found such a young man!  He committed to go to the Priesthood session tonight at church with John and he did!! It is very difficult for the Marshallese to grasp the importance of keeping commitments so this was a major deal.  It's just one meeting but everything starts with a little step in the right direction!  He left many friends and other more "fun" activities to attend this important meeting so we are very pleased and are praying that this is the first step among many to bring him into activity in the gospel.  Life is good and we are blessed!

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to understand why you two have your days feeling doubts about why, if, can, and how you can make a difference. For those of us who know and love you, we've never asked that question once. Reading your diary is a reaffirmation of things we've known for decades. The special beauty in what you share is that you're not only the teachers but the students. Now tell me, where's a finer gift? We sure enjoyed ours today.
