Tuesday, February 5, 2013

                                                                                                 February 5, 2013    

 Hello friends and family. Still no flu here so maybe we can beat it all with Spring coming on. As Sherrie mentioned in her last entry, we went to a VegFest which means Vegeterian Festival. No we aren't becoming vegetarians, but we tasted some great samples of food that day. Sherrie is such a great cook so anything we liked there she can duplicate here in our apartment I'm sure. We've sure developed a liking for Kale Chips. So thin and delicate and they melt in your mouth!
      I think that we've mentioned to you about our scripture studies that we have with some of the members in their homes. It is so satisfying to see how people respond to reading the scriptures and how it changes their whole outlook on life. One couple who are "as old as Sherrie and I" are standing at the door waiting for us as we come twice a week to their home. We love being with them. Another sister we have been reading with stated how much her family is changing and responding to the increase of the Spirit in their home. They come to church all the time now and their 19 year old daughter is considering going on a mission.
     In regard to missions, I am about ready to start teaching a class on Sunday called "Missionary Preparation class". It will be a great opportunity for young adults who are of missionary age to study and discuss what is required of an individual who is considering going on a mission. In our small congregation there are six young adults who will start attending the class. It will be a great experience for me as well as them. Sherrie will be in her classroom next to me teaching the eight to ten teenagers that come to her class each Sunday. I admire her so much for doing this. I think I will stick to the young adult age.
     In a few days (Feb 10th) I'm coming up on my 68th birthday. That seems so surreal to me. That means in two more years we will be 70! And in three more years we will have been married 50 years! I'm so thankful that other than a few aches and pains, I'm still healthy. It gets pretty funny though to see Sherrie and I passing each other in the night, as we play the game "Who's turn is it to not sleep tonight!" That gets old real fast.
     This weekend we'll travel to celebrate birthdays at Amy's house (mine and the twinners) and then next weekend Eric and Tracie are flying out to be with us. Can't wait!
    We love you all. Thanks for your prayers and support.

Elder John

"We should not complain about our own life's not being a rose garden when we remember who wore the crown of thorns."
                                       Neal A. Maxwell

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