Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall is indeed here in sunny California but we hear it is even lovelier in Missouri right now.  Not a lot of trees change color right in our area but we are hoping to travel to Napa for the day in 2 weeks and bask in the autumn colors there.  We usually wear our missionary "tags" when we go somewhere so even though it may be a "pleasure trip" we usually get some opportunities to share a little about the church and "why" we are "doing what we are doing".  John and I have recommitted ourselves to get back on the "health wagon" and abstain from as much sugar as possible.  It's really hard for me to challenge someone to live the "Word or Wisdom" when I need my daily fix of chocolate or ice cream.  Yes, yes, we know there is sugar in everything but we are just trying not to add to it. :)  The older you get it seems to become so much harder  to shed those extra pounds that have crept on your body from out of nowhere.  Now to share good news.....a  Marshallese family has just returned from living in Salt Lake City and have been joyously welcomed back to our tiny branch.  They speak very good English, are hard  workers and have strong, strong testimonies of the Savior.  We have very few Marshellese who understand the importance of service and hard work.  This family has changed their lives since joining the church 3 years ago and set a wonderful example to the other Marshallese people.  They still have plenty of problems, like all of us, but because they have committed their lives to the Lord, they handle their problems so much better. I'm hoping the wife might be able to take over my Sunday School class.  It would be great to team teach with her and help  her with this very unique class of teenagers.  I worry that no one will be prepared to take over in 4 months.  I have some students that I have some very big concerns about the direction they are going.  One of my biggest challenges is to try to teach my Marshallese friends how to cook and eat differently to lessen their diabetes.  Many of them are fully aware of the dangers of diabetes but due to lack of money, they eat the most filling things, i.e. rice, and candy that they can buy cheaply.   Those are the times when I wish I had an endless supply of money and could just go and fill their refrigerators full of yummy healthy food.  In one of our English Wards we are teaching a Hispanic woman the new member lessons.  We love her so much!  She was introduced to the church by the couple that she is a caregiver for and she has totally embraced the gospel.  The challenges that she faces within her own home are enormous.  She was sharing with us how hard it is for her living with an alcoholic husband, 4 children, a son-in-law, and a new baby in a very tiny home.  She said to us, "I don't think anyone has as many bodies in a little house as we do."  And "we" said....."Actually, we have Marshallese friends who have 23 people living in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house and 6 of those "bodies" are under the age of 6."  She replied, "Oh, thank you so much for telling me that.  I need to know that other people face just as great, if not greater, challenges than I have.  My "pity party" is now over!"  Everything is "relative" isn't it?  The couple she is a caregiver for have served missions before and are wonderful.
He is totally bedridden, has difficulty speaking, but has the sweetest countenance.  The caregiver came to work one night totally frustrated with her family at home and said to Sister Carter, "Would you like to adopt some children?"  And Sis. Carter said, "I probably should talk to my husband about that."  Thinking that Bro. Carter was sleeping they went about their chores.  Pretty soon Bro. Carter k calls out quite clearly, "Honey, I really don't think we should be adopting kids right now."  Hilarious!  The students in my "Daily Dose" class have started telling jokes in Marshallese after class.  The nerve!  I told them they couldn't come back to class if they didn't start telling their jokes in English! I can't remember if John or I mentioned this, but we are studying the most incredible book entitled "The Infinite Atonement" by Tad Callison.  It's a "must read" for anyone who loves the Savior and wants to understand his magnificent gift of the Atonement more deeply.  I am so grateful for this mission that has made us take time to study and ponder those important things of the gospel that we should have been doing more diligently before our mission.  Thank goodness for repentance!  To our wonderful children who have called faithfully, skyped, drawn pictures and visited us.....we love you and appreciate your support so much.  Love to all!!!

1 comment:

  1. One of your most touching entries yet. What I can't understand about these Marshallese is that they don't learn simply by your example. It appears they live life simply as it comes, not by planning ahead or setting goals. While there's usually joy anytime a couple brings a new child into this world, these people you're working with haven't learned there's a break-uneven point where that extra child only makes the situation worse not better. The loss for all you've helped and are helping will be felt for a very long time, but don't forget there's a lot of people anxiously awaiting your return to hearth and home.
