Monday, December 9, 2013

The season of Christmas is here!!  We both love this season so much but yet get so emotional about everything!!  We've always been this way but seem to get more weepy as we get older.  California, especially our Sacramento area, is the home to MANY homeless people.  If I knew the exact numbers I would probably cry all the time.  It has been around 30 degrees during the night and we have often thought about where those with no shelter go to sleep in the cold.  We sit in our cozy little, modest, apartment and if we get cold, just turn up the thermostat or put on more clothes.  How blessed we are!  We had a wonderful visit with Amy and family over Thanksgiving.  We were to go to Alph's parents home but they got the flu so Amy and Alph pulled off an incredible Thanksgiving feast in a very short amount of time.  Alph's family graciously include us in their family activities and we do so appreciate their kindness.  We got to attend Sophie's (our oldest grand daughter) play "Aladdin Jr."  She "shines" on the stage.  Your eyes are just drawn to her because she has great stage presence and such a warm, natural smile.  The next night John and I took Oliver, Beatrice and Simon to "Temple Hill".  This is where the LDS Oakland Temple is located, just 20 minutes from Amy. We really didn't want to take Simon (3 1/2) because he doesn't like to sit still for very long.  He pleaded and promised to  "be good" so much we didn't have the heart to leave him.  I'm happy to report, all 3 children were great!  Simon said, "I kept my promise, huh, Hana?  Now I can go with you other places, right?"  I told him that he was now a good "promise keeper" and we would be happy to take him anywhere (well, "almost" anywhere.)   There was an hour of incredible music and then we went outside the Stake Center and watched as they turned on gazillions of Christmas lights.  Huge palm trees were covered and outlined with all these lights.  The music thrilled our souls!  What a wonderful evening and 2 sleepy heads slept all the way home.  We headed back pretty early Sunday morning so that we could keep our Sunday commitments.  We just have one more "marriage class" to teach then our Sundays will slow down a little bit.  We've said this lots, but we really do like to keep busy.  Not crazy busy, just busy. The topic of my Sunday School lesson was "Preparing for the Savior's Second Coming."  I was really having trouble getting and keeping their attention until we got to the scriptures that tell about the signs of the time that will happen before He comes.  When we started checking off the events that have or are now occurring, the class became very serious.  One student said, "You mean, we don't know exactly when He will come BUT it could be ANYTIME?"  The whole class was like, "Wow".  I asked if anyone needed to be making any changes in their lives and they quietly nodded yes.  Very sobering moment for many I believe.  We have been attempting to visit many less active members in the two English wards that we work with.  I say "attempting" very loosely.  One of our main responsibilities is to try to help bring "lost sheep" back to the church.  Most folks are not home so we leave a note with our name and number.  I really felt like a missionary last week when we got a door slammed in our face.  Since this was the first time this has happened to us, we were a little taken back to say the least.  We were sharing this with our young Elders and they just smiled because this happens to them all the time.  I admire those young men so much!  Those of you who feed the Elders, we thank you!!  We usually do not make church visits after dark unless we have a specific appointment so our evenings are free to study or do whatever.  We took a recent convert to see the Travis Air Force Golden West Coast Band on Thursday night in downtown Sacramento.  They travel throughout the west coast giving free concerts.  This was a "Songs for the Season" concert and was one of the finest we've ever seen and heard.  When they played the "Star Spangle Banner" to open, I had chills running down my arms!  We just received word that our good neighbor in Jeff City, Tom Brooks, has passed away.  He was a very good man and we will really miss visiting with him when working out in the yard.  Each day here on earth is a gift but thankfully we know that there are such wonderful things awaiting us in eternity.  How grateful I am to know that families can be forever!  We have been having some frustrating problems with our car that no one seems to be able to figure out.  How we miss our Brauns Bros. in Jeff City.  Closing on a funny note.....John got up this morning and put on his glasses and thought, "Mmmmm, my left eye is sure fuzzy.  He went about getting dressed, eating, reading, etc. and began to think, goodness, first my hearing is going and now my eyes are growing worse, even over night.  He started cleaning his glasses, first the right lens then the left.  Strangely, there was no lens in the left side.  He wasn't going blind, the lens had just fallen out!  Thankfully, we found the lens before either of us old fogeys stepped on it!  Popped right back in!!  Got our first Christmas card today with a wonderful newsletter from Chris and Julie.  We appreciate their wonderful care of our home.  We couldn't have served this mission without their willingness to housesit.  We really know Christmas time is here because we broke down and bought some peppermint ice cream.  We had been "ice cream free" for over 2 months!!  And it was soooo good.  Cantorum Christmas Concert is this weekend (we think).  We miss singing with them so much and know that it will be a great concert!  Make the most of the month preparing for the Savior's birth!  Love to all!!

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